Feeling stuck when it comes to picking a unique name for your one of a kind baby boy? Trust that you are not alone in this. Your son is better than other kids and his name needs to reflect that. 2017 is a banner year for names that no one has heard of before, and even though there are tons of lists claiming they have some original ideas, they always seem to fall short. Don't despair, I won't let you settle for something basic like Kevin or Matthew. Here are a couple of ideas for those parents who refuse to allow their child to grow up not feeling special.
7. Trevice
Pronounced: tre-vih-se
Trevice loves the outdoors and spends as much time as he can living in nature. Trevice has an affinity for reptiles and aims to devote his life to removing the stigma that some have when it comes to snakes. Trevice looks the best when clad in Autumn hues. Trevice wouldn't hurt a fly, unless of course it was to feed a spider, because the circle of life, you know?
6. Knightly
Pronounced nih-t-lee
Knightly is the kind of guy who would never let you down. Knightly would give his left arm to see you happy. Knightly is a feminist who isn't afraid to cry in front of you during your first night of intimacy together. Knightly has three cats all of whom are named after famous female authors. Knightly has read It Takes A Village by Hilary Clinton 15 times cover to cover.
5. Slape
Pronounced s-lay-p
Slape is a voracious reader who on the surface seems a little introverted, but the truth is he's a social butterfly just waiting to be released into the wild. Sure, Slape needs a little coaxing now and then to come out of his shell, but once he does watch out! Slape will never let a dance floor go cold, or let you karaoke to It's Raining Men by yourself! Slape has an enormous collection of incense.
4. Cutter
Pronounced cue-tt-r
Cutter is really cute. He's, like, the cutest. He would never say this out loud, but he knows it and it makes him proud. He is a champion winker, and when you tell him he looks good today he can blush on command, because he knows how cute it looks when he blushes. Everybody loves Cutter. He received over 120 handmade Valentines this year, but if you were to ask his about it, he would tell you it was only around 90 or something. Cutter is afraid of heights.
3. Dragon
Pronounced drr-ay-gone
Don't get Dragon started when it comes to how many choices we have nowadays when it comes to iced tea flavors. He's a minimalist to the core, and too many choices makes for an unbalanced society. Dragon doesn't like it when you call him Dray, so please refrain. He's a "behind-the-scenes" kind of guy, so don't expect him to participate in this years talent show, unless you need someone savvy to run that insanely complicated sound board that someone spent way too much on. Dragon can't even right now with global warming.
2. Durrkk
Pronounced d-yurr-kah
Durrkk can speak five languages, not that he forces that information down your throat or anything, it's just what he's passionate about. He's a huge fan of the Grand Prix, and not for reasons that you may expect. Durrkk religiously wears boxer briefs, and would never dare search through your purse without explicit permission first. Durrkk is pastel colorblind.
1. Trump
Pronounced t-ruh-mp
Remember when the name Lincoln was making the rounds thanks to that movie about him reminding us of what a great guy he was by doing stuff like freeing the slaves? Well Trump will try to do that kind of stuff too, only bigger and better. Actually, Trump already has a movie about himself in the works that he didn't produce himself, his fans did, and boy does he have a bunch of fans. Trump is awesome at checkers, in fact he's the best. Trump has had the most people at his birthday party that anyone can even imagine. Actually, you know Trump lost count of all the friends he has because there isn't a number that big that scientists have invented yet. Trump IS NOT afraid of the dark, believe me. Trump is illiterate, but no one seems to care that much.
Mike and I are sitting here laughing out loud...., makes me want to turn back the hands of time, have s baby boy, and use at least 3 of these names to name our little darling so he always knows how really special "he" is......