I don't know exactly what it is about me, but I've always been the type of gal that people think they can just say anything to. Perhaps they think, " She's funny! And has the bone structure of someone who doesn't get offended easily! I think I'll cover her with word vomit! " This rule of thumb didn't disappoint this pregnancy. So, for your amusement may I present the top five weirdest things people have said to me during this gestation process . Luckily, I still have about six weeks left so fingers crossed I'll be able to alter this list by then. 5. " Oh my God, are you pregnant? Oh good. I asked a woman that the other day, and she said no and got SO upset!" This was said to me by a young girl who works in the piano lab where I'm taking classes. She has seen me many times before and we've never had to venture much past "Which room would you like?" and "Great, you have an hour, thanks!" I have liked...
Hi, My name is Amy Albert Cobb, and holy crap, I'm your mom! A brutally honest mommy blog written from the point of view of a former party girl lush turned mom. Tales from the past, observations of the present and predictions for the future. Sonofabitch, I'm so tired already.