People ask me all the time what has changed the most since giving birth to my daughter. Lack of sleep? they ask. No, that hasn't been too bad. Stretch marks? No, I'm okay in that arena. Peeing a little when you sneeze? Well, I always did that. I have to say the one major thing that did change and will never go back to the way it butt hole. Yup. Butt. Hole. My asshole is ruined. Probably forever, since it's been over a year since having my kid and it's still a war zone. Hemorrhoids have become a part of my life like shaving and the Kardashians. This is one of those things that NO ONE TELLS YOU! Look, I don't do a lot with my asshole except the stuff it's designed to do. It's exit only for me down there, because I am a goddamn lady, though no judgment for those who are into that. In fact, I'm a little jealous that I didn't do more with it before it became a crime scene because that is now officially off the table. But I have always been...
Hi, My name is Amy Albert Cobb, and holy crap, I'm your mom! A brutally honest mommy blog written from the point of view of a former party girl lush turned mom. Tales from the past, observations of the present and predictions for the future. Sonofabitch, I'm so tired already.