Recently I logged onto Facebook and one of the first entries in the feed I see reads: "Parents, stop giving your kids iPads, you're creating idiots!" followed by a bunch of emojis I didn't understand, but it looked like Christmas Tree, Face with Tongue Sticking Out, Hands. I barely know the person who posted this, however I'm pretty sure that they themselves don't have any kids of their own at the moment. Childless adults are pretty quick to judge parents, and God knows I did it constantly before I had my kid. Some phrases I would regularly utter would be: "Oh my God, how could you let your daughter out of the house like that! That's shitty parenting!" "Jesus Christ, shut that kid up already! No one wants to hear them screaming in Target/this airplane/museum/etc!" "Are you serious? An iPad for a four year old? See, this is why kids are so stupid these days! Nice work, awful parent!". The first statement was in referenc...
Hi, My name is Amy Albert Cobb, and holy crap, I'm your mom! A brutally honest mommy blog written from the point of view of a former party girl lush turned mom. Tales from the past, observations of the present and predictions for the future. Sonofabitch, I'm so tired already.