I'm sorry it's been so damn long since I've posted anything. Truth be told I never have six seconds to myself ever. I'm not kidding. I'm typing this while wearing Charlie, who has barfed on me twice since I opened my computer. I mean, he's cute and stuff, but holy shit can this kid puke! He's def gonna make his goal weight. Meanwhile Bo is watching Despicable Me 2 in the living room, but keeps screaming "MOMMY! HELP!" And when I run in to check on her, she says "HI!" I thought when people said it was much harder with two kids they were being silly. They weren't. More on that....soon. I hope. Anyway, I wanted to post about this fun podcast I did about moms who kill, just in time for Mothers Day! It was the only time I left the house that week. Freedom, as it turns out, tastes a lot like the two vodka sodas I slammed once I knew I would be in front of grown up's for the first time in a while and could take an Uber with n...
Hi, My name is Amy Albert Cobb, and holy crap, I'm your mom! A brutally honest mommy blog written from the point of view of a former party girl lush turned mom. Tales from the past, observations of the present and predictions for the future. Sonofabitch, I'm so tired already.